I am an artist and designer living and working in York, UK. I grew up on the edge of Dartmoor and studied fine art, illustration and graphic design in Exeter and York. My paintings and drawings explore wild natural landscapes through instinctive and expressive mark-making and enquiry into colour, and have been exhibited in England and Wales.
I work in a variety of media (acrylic, oil, watercolour, graphite, charcoal and chalk) selected to suit the subject and the practicalities of how and where I am working.
My landscape painting process begins with plein air paintings, studies on paper, and sketches. I am drawn to wild places and can spend many days exploring and studying an area, at all times of day and in different weather conditions, to understand its unique qualities. I sit quietly, tuning in to its sounds, smells and textures, allowing wildlife to relax in my presence. It is a solitary process and I work quickly to produce loose and immediate responses to the landscape around me, usually on paper.
Back in my studio, I use my plein air work, sketchbooks and field notes to trigger memories and inspire larger works. On the easel, I can introduce texture and imagined and abstracted elements to create an emotional impression of a time and place, rather than a direct representation. The work takes its own, instinctive journey and develops over a period of time, often incorporating the expressive marks and line work of my original studies.
As well as landscapes, I regularly paint and draw the human body. Life drawing is an essential element of my practice that I use to develop observational skills, explore mark-making techniques and hone my ability to record visual information swiftly, editing out unnecessary detail.

My studio at Arnup Studios in Holtby. The studios were purpose built by well-known artists, Mick and Sally Arnup (painter/potter and sculptor)
I am a member of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Visual Artists Association (VAA), The Artists Information Company (AN) and CuratorSpace.
Please contact me if you would like to arrange a visit to the studio.
Contact KateI am also a graphic designer and have my own company called Bivouac. You can see a little taster of my design work here.
Visit Bivouac to find out more